18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020, online
The 18th edition of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting focuses on the latest advances in research in geosciences. It will be held online on 6th and 7th November 2020.
The Department of Earth Sciences of the ETH Zurich and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) cordially invite you to participate in the 18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting to be held online on Friday, 6 November and Saturday, 7 November, 2020.

On Friday 6 November
The theme of the 18th SGM Plenary Session is “Shaping Earth: From Planet Accretion To Microbes”.
On Saturday 7 November,
25 scientific symposia will cover cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere.
Deadline for registration is Friday, 23 Octobre 2020.
Parti dell'evento

Swiss Geoscience Meeting (SGM)
- 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2022, Lausanne
- 19th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2021, online
- 18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020, online
- 17th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2019, Fribourg
- 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2018, Bern
- 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2017, Davos
- 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2016, Geneva
- 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2015, Basel
- 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2014, Fribourg
- 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2013, Lausanne
- 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2012, Bern
- 9th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2011, Zurich
Dr Pierre Dèzes
Piattaforma Geoscienze
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna