TRAINING (2.4.1)

Together with national and international societies, the platform supports the exchange of expertise and promotes young academics in the various fields of chemistry.more

Image: Cavan Images, stock.adobe.commore

Prix Schläfli

The Prix Schläfli rewards the best Swiss PhDs in the natural sciences. It is one of the oldest prizes in Switzerland. Since the first awarding in 1866, over hundred young talents in different natural science disciplines have been distinguished.

The prize has the following aims:

  • Promote young talents (promotion of young scientists and support of academic excellence) in the different natural science disciplines
  • Highlight the importance of young scientists in the Swiss research landscape

All the information about the Prix Schläfli can be found on the SCNAT webpage Prix Schlafli.

Hereafter, the chemists who won the Prix Schläfli Chemistry recently:

Murielle Delley: Prix Schläfli Chemie 2019

Murielle Delley - the privilege of life-long learning

When asked about her motivation to study chemistry, Murielle Delley explains that she has always wanted to know how things work. When it came to understanding what was happening around

Image: Bernard Delley
Prix Schläfli
Prix Schläfli
Prix Schläfli 2018
Image: Manu Friedrich

Xiaojiang Xie